Resources for Preparing Siblings for Baby

by Kate Saumweber Hogan, CPM, LM

*Update: I have been offering this class every few months. Please email me if you would like to join my next class or if you would like to schedule a private class and I will get you the details. (Next class is 9/16/2017, register here:

I had an amazing time offering a presenting “Preparing Siblings for Birth” at the Twin Cities Birth & Baby Expo on Saturday. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful birth community here in our area, and getting to have everyone in one spot for a few hours is quite a treat.

Brother Love!

Brother Love!

I loved getting to discuss this topic with families and offer some tips and tricks for making the process of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time easier on older siblings. I promised to share the resources we discussed here on the TCM Blog for future reference (and Twin Cities Midwifery clients are welcome to borrow them, as they are all part of my lending library). If you are reading this and feel like there are any that I’ve missed, please let me know!

by Megan Crown Photography

by Megan Crown Photography

Prenatal Involvement and Development:

Getting Ready to Be a Big Sibling (what to expect life will be like once baby arrives):

by Megan Crown Photography

by Megan Crown Photography

Getting Ready to Attend the Birth!

A big brother at his baby sister's birth!.

A big brother at his baby sister’s birth!.

Books for older children, about birth and other various aspects of bodies and sexuality:

Sibling Rivalry:

  • While we don’t have these in our library, here is a great list to review if you are looking for sibling books as kids get older.
  • Here are additional ideas to make this transition smoother, which includes a suggested book list at the end.


I hope to offer the class again in years to come! If you are looking for additional information, other than just the resources above, or if you would like me to present the full class, please feel free to contact me (!


by Megan Crown Photography

2 thoughts on “Resources for Preparing Siblings for Baby

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